

Brett Cooksy CIO Video Transcript

Exterior of a brick and glass fronted Sunrise Banks building. Inside, a tall lobby. Speaker: Brett Cooksey. Chief Technology officer.

The reason you want to work at Sunrise is we are building technology from the ground up. We’re re-establishing a technology department that is scaling from a mom-and-pop shop to something that is more formal that we’re going to build our own technologies. We’re going to compete in the marketplace. We’re going to take products to market. And that’s super exciting.

Sunrise Banks employees wear hard hats and build a house with Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity. Then, a light rail train travels through the city with a colorful wrap reading Promise to your planet. Sunrise Banks. We are a social engine 4 good.

It only happens once if you’re lucky in your career where you can get on board from the ground up. And it’s basically, you call it greenfield sometimes. It’s a bit of brownfield in there. But we’re are building it upon what we have and then really leveraging the latest technology. Like I said, we don’t have a Smithsonian of old technology that we built ourselves, that we’re trying to keep alive, that we now need to upgrade. We’re almost leapfrogging straight into cloud technologies, which a lot of other companies have struggled with. So that’s a massive advantage. We’re going straight to latest and greatest tech. And we’re not trying to keep up with all the old Silverlights. Anybody listening to this would probably throw up if they hear that. Silverlight WCF, anybody?

A Sunrise Banks timeline decorates a wall in the bank.

Those technologies really didn’t, didn’t fit at all. Now we’ve got power tech that scales much easier. And we’re using REST APIs that are much easier to consume in stand up. And microservices, that’s really exciting. All of these things are coming together, you know, software development and engineering is maturing. The cloud is maturing, and we’re just riding in wave. So I would say that’s what’s exciting about working at Sunrise and why you want to come and work at Sunrise. And we need those individuals that have that passion for technology, for making a change and a difference in the community, not just solving a difficult problem. You’re getting a double whammy, you’re solving something really hard, and you’re doing good for people that need it. So I think that’s what’s exciting about it.

On screen text. Sunrise Banks. Member F D I C.