

Celebrating Sunrise Banks as 2023 Best of Business Finalist in the Community Bank Category

Twin Cities Business - Best of Business 2023 - Readers Choice Finalist

Sunrise Banks has been named a finalist in the Community Bank category of the Twin Cities Business Best of Business Readers’ Choice Award for 2023.

This recognition is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence, community impact, and our community’s trust in us.

Thank you to all our customers and community members for your continued support, trust, and belief in our mission. We remain committed to serving you with unwavering dedication. Your stories, challenges, and successes inspire us to push boundaries and create positive change.

Together, we strive to make a meaningful impact on our community. Together, we can build a stronger and more inclusive future.

To learn more about Sunrise Banks and our community-focused initiatives, visit our Impact Report Off Site Link.

Thank you for your continued trust in Sunrise Banks.