

Experience No Overdraft Fees with Sunrise Banks’ Rise Checking Account

Rise Checking - Bank On - National Account Standards - 2021-2022

Not a fan of overdraft fees? We’re not either.

That’s why we’ve had our Rise Checking Account certified by Bank On Off Site Link, meaning account holders won’t be charged when they inadvertently spend more than they have.

Bank On is a nonprofit that aims to ensure everyone can access affordable bank accounts. Our certification means the Rise Account abides by Bank On’s standards and only requires a minimum opening deposit of $25 and a $5 monthly maintenance fee.

Our Rise account also offers CardValet, a feature that allows you to lock your debit card if it’s lost or stolen.

Account features also include:

  • Free eStatements
  • Access to online banking and bill pay
  • Access to mobile deposit.

Learn more and open an account here.