

Giving Back Together

Oversaturated image of employees in tie-dye shirts

It’s time to take a second to talk about something. Well actually more to brag about something. It’s my coworkers. They are awesome people, not just because they are a joy to work with, but also because they are so generous.

You might be wondering where this is all coming from. Well, recently, Sunrise Banks was named as a finalist in the 2016 Community Impact Awards for the Workplace Giving category. This is a huge honor; this category recognizes a Minnesota based company for creating a focused employee-giving program or volunteer campaign.

There is a second part to that. A company can plan all they want, but without the employees getting involved and donating their time and money, these plans mean nothing.

That was why last year was awesome. We had charitable giving week, encouraging employees to give money to local nonprofits, candygrams where employees send nice messages and candy to each other and for each a donation is made, as well as our huge volunteering program. This is why I need to brag about my coworkers. They go the extra mile and go outside their job description to have a huge positive impact on the local community.