

Newgate School

Old blue two door car

This month we’re celebrating a great partnership with local non-profit Newgate School. We recently teamed up with them to produce an excellent video to help get the word out about the great work they’re doing in the Twin Cities.

You can watch the video here:

Newgate Video Off Site Link

Newgate uses donated cars to provide unemployed or under-employed young adults in the Twin Cities with a tuition-free opportunity to learn skills in auto body and auto mechanics. Students at Newgate pay no tuition or fees to get an education. What they get from showing up and working hard is priceless: vocational skills, a work ethic and the personal confidence needed to succeed in a career.

Newgate School is funded by the resale of donated cars, many of which are restored or repaired by students as part of their career training. Also, this is the best part, Newgate is completely self-sustainable! The school receives no tax monies or outside funding from government or foundation grants. Vehicle donations are the single source of funds for their life-changing operations.

On top of that great video, we’re currently running a contest and it’s simple to get involved with. All you have to do is follow the contest link and click “like” and we will donate $5 to Newgate Schools. The contest ends on November 12th so hurry and show your support. You can multiply your impact with just a click of your mouse.

Contest Link Off Site Link