

Sunrise Banks Again Named Real Leaders Top Impact Company

Real Leaders - Inspire the Future #29

Winning an award once is great — winning that same award three times is even better.

Sunrise Banks CEO David Reiling said as much after getting word last year that the bank had been selected as a 2020 Real Leaders Top Impact Company for the third time in a row.

“To be recognized as a Top Impact Company is a great honor – but to be honored for three years in a row is an accomplishment I’m extremely proud of,” said Reiling.

Sunrise won the award – which recognizes companies leading the way in sustainable business practices – during a year that was filled with difficulty, including COVID-19 and the death of George Floyd. We’re humbled to be acknowledged as a leader during such an important time in our history.

The 150 honorees include major companies like Tesla, Patagonia and Beyond Meat, but the list
also contains small-to-midsize organizations from around the world.

Sunrise was ranked number 29 on the list of 150 companies. Last year, the bank ranked at number 52.

The award is a huge accomplishment, and something the bank looks to build on in the future. We realize that, as a corporation, we have a duty to set an example as a sustainable and socially responsible organization.

Read more about the awards here. Off Site Link