

Teller Appreciation Week

Bank teller providing customer with cash

Almost everyone works with bank tellers at some point in life. We go up to the teller window and give them our money, receive money from them and trust them with our general finances. Tellers do so many things for us as a bank and us as customers. Some things we see and others we don’t. That is why it is important to give them recognition, especially when recognition is due.

Here at Sunrise Banks we are celebrating Teller Appreciation Week October 5th-9th. Why do we recognize Teller Appreciation Week? Because they’re awesome! And because they deserve it!

I work at the customer service desk and from my seat I see and hear a lot of what goes on between the tellers and the customers. Every day I hear and see compassionate people who are eager to help and learn when the opportunity arises.

Next time you go to the bank and see your teller, I challenge you to celebrate with us and recognize tellers.

Ways you can recognize tellers this week:

A Simple Thank You

Saying thank you and telling a teller that you appreciate their help can really make a difference. It makes people feel valuable even on their bad days.

Writing a Thank You or Dropping a Note

This week at Sunrise Banks there are dazzling boxes at every branch for you to drop compliment/appreciation comments for our tellers.

Stop By and Say Hi

In the area? Stop by and say hi to your favorite teller! Thanking them will light up their day.

Share a story about a good experience with a teller

Can you think of a time where a teller helped you? Or did something to go above-and-beyond? Share it in the comments section below!