

Today is Banking on Values Day: Discover What Financial Institutions Around the World Are Doing to Create Positive Change

GABV Pioneers of the future water color

Can banks do more than just move, lend and store money? For the 60+ financial institutions that are part of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values Off Site Link (GABV), the answer is a resounding yes.

GABV is “a network of banking leaders from around the world committed to advancing positive change in the banking sector.” But its mission goes beyond just finance. GABV is engaged in environmental and social initiatives that aim to produce a triple bottom line of people, planet and prosperity. For more than a decade, GABV and its member banks have been fighting to create a more transparent, diverse and sustainable banking system.

And today, Nov. 24, 2020, that work is being formally recognized during the seventh annual Banking on Values Day. It’s a chance to recognize banks working for more than just dollars and cents and learn how you can get involved.

To mark the occasion, GABV is promoting six pioneers who have been working to effect positive change in their communities and whose mission is funded by a values-based bank.

“More than ever, this year has shown us how connected humans and nature are. The banking on values movement has always recognized this interconnection. That’s why we use the money from our customers to only finance progressive businesses that take care of people and the planet, wherever they are in the world,” reads GABV’s website.

Read those stories here Off Site Link.

“I Change The News” Campaign

We’re also asking that you participate in today’s celebration through the “I change the news” campaign on social media. From GABV’s website:

“Celebrate Banking on Values Day 2020 with us by writing and sharing a news headline invented by you describing your dream for a fairer or greener future possible with a more conscious use of money. Post it from the 17th to the 25th of November on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #BankingOnValues.”

Some examples include:

  • Can you imagine reading this headline?Women lead 60% of the companies in Paraguay.” I choose #BankingOnValues to support women entrepreneurs.
  • Can you imagine reading this headline? “All banks in Japan stop investing in the oil industry.” I choose #BankingOnValues to make this possible.
  • Can you imagine reading this headline? “The racial wealth gap disappears in the United States.” I support #BankingOnValues to make it happen.

Participants will be entered to win a zero-waste kit.

A Proud Partnership

Sunrise Banks has been a GABV member since 2013; at the time, it was the fourth American bank to join the alliance. In 2019, Sunrise Banks CEO David Reiling was named GABV’s board director representing the alliance’s North American Chapter.

The bank joined the alliance to align itself with like-minded financial institutions and make a commitment to sustainable finance. We’re proud to be a part of GABV and hope Banking on Values Day can help spread the word about values-based banks and the impact they’re creating.

Learn more on GABV’s website Off Site Link.