

Where are You Donating Your Next Vehicle? I Think I Know

Old blue vintage car

There are many places where you can donate a car here in the Twin Cities. But have you heard of Newgate School? You see, Newgate uses donated cars to provide unemployed or under-employed young adults in the Twin Cities with a tuition-free opportunity to learn skills in auto body and auto mechanics. Students at Newgate pay no tuition or fees to get an education. What they get from showing up and working hard is priceless: vocational skills, a work ethic and the personal confidence needed to succeed in a career.

Newgate School is funded by the resale of donated cars, many of which are restored or repaired by students as part of their career training. Also, this is the best part, Newgate is completely self-sustainable! The school receives no tax monies or outside funding from government or foundation grants. Vehicle donations are the single source of funds for their life-changing operations.

Newgate is the best place to donate your car for these reasons:

  1. Your donation stays in the Twin Cities to directly help the community. And the people receiving the benefits are members of our community who want to better themselves.  There is no other car donation organization who can say that in Minnesota.
  2. You receive a Federal tax deduction. All vehicles used in Newgate’s training programs or the Wheels for Women program qualify for Fair Market Value tax deduction which is the highest donation allowed by law.
  3. Newgate School accepts all vehicles. The majority of vehicles donated are used by the students to learn about auto body and auto mechanics. Refurbished cars are sold to support Newgate financially. Donated cars that are too old to be valuable in training or too damaged to be efficiently repaired are sold as well.  Cars made in 2005 or newer with mechanical damage are especially valuable as training vehicles.

So where are you donating your next vehicle? I think I know.