

New Text Service for Sunrise Debit Card Fraud Alerts

Female hand with black nail polish, holding smartphone

Have you ever looked at your bank account only to see a suspicious charge or withdrawal you didn’t make? Realizing you may have fallen victim to fraud can make you feel powerless and angry.

Now, Sunrise Banks is taking new steps to alert our debit card customers to potential fraud. Starting February 12, all Sunrise Banks debit card holders will be enrolled in a new text fraud alert service.

With text fraud alerts, if our system detects suspicious activity on your card, you'll receive a text message with details about the suspected transaction. All you have to do is respond to the text to confirm the transaction. If you indicate the transaction is fraud, you'll receive another message with a number to call for follow-up. If not, you're all set. The system will mark the transaction as legitimate and you can get on with your day – simple as that! 

Cardholders are automatically enrolled. If we have your mobile phone number on file, you don't have to do anything. It's really that easy. If there is suspicious activity, we'll send a text alert right away. 

All texts will be from short code 37268. If you need to verify or update your mobile phone number, give us a call at (651) 265-5600. 

You may be contacted via text message or a phone call. Message and data rates may apply. You have the ability to opt-out of the service at any time by replying “STOP” to the short code 37628.  

Learn more about our fraud protection services here.